Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Label Experiment Results - Final Review

Before starting this experiment I had expected stickers to look more professional, but paper to come off more easily. I was not exactly very accurate with my predictions. Paper, regardless of how it was attached, made the most impressive looking labels, and all the labels came off incredibly easily.

My intention, based on these results, is to use paper, attached using milk, for bottles that I will give to people, and stickers attached straight to a dry bottle for my own supply. This is because the paper labels will require more work, what with having to neatly cut them out and applying the milk carefully, but will give a really good finish. The stickers will be much less effort but should still look ok if applied carefully, and will still be effortless to remove.


Blogger said...

I have been following this with much interest : I too have plumped for milk and found it gives an excellent finish - if you design the labels well, even in black and white they look like something a micro-brewery would produce !

Thanks for the roundup.

Blogger said...

Glad it was useful to someone else. It wasn't that much work, but it was certainly useful for me. Should save me lots of time in the future, and give me better looking bottles too.

Thanks for making the time to comment.